As is the case with any project, you sometimes need to take a break.....and if you are going to take a break...why not have a little fun?  And of course by fun I mean something involving Sciroccos, and since at Dan's house the norm is 3 of 'em....why not add a fourth to the mix?  So, a meeting up with one of the Scirocco list members was arranged.....not only was Matt going to bring his Mk1, but also Scirocco Porn!  WOOHOO!  What could be better?

So Matt arrives and eventually we head into the house to see who has more Scirocco Porn....Matt or me?  Since it would take many suitcases to bring all of my Scirocco Porn to MD, I am forced to use my website as a reference to which stuff I actually have....you can see, it was quite traumatic to do so...seeing as Matt brought a binder full of beautiful, beautiful Scirocco and other VW related ads and brochures.

Ever since the whole MAF incident Dan has been a bit camera-happy and somehow the pictures always seem to involve me in one way or another.....Matt was quite a good sport though, and didn't complain once.....even seems he got into the whole thing a bit...Here you can see that once again, Dan has picked up my camera and is taking yet another picture....hence the look on my face.  Insert "DAAANN" here.

So now we get to the "who has more porn" discussion....

I politely peruse his binder of Scirocco and VW related content....

.....but I know that I have that ad somewhere........now where was it?

Incidentally, Matt was kind enough to let me borrow some of his collection -- even let me take it all the way back to Seattle!!!!  WOOHOO!!!!!  I have to send most of it back...or at least he THINKS I am going to --  he he he....we will have to see about that though....

"You DO NOT have more porn than me!!!....NO!!!"

"You are catching ALL of this on Camera Dan??  Well, consider it a recording of my victory!!!" he he he.

Like I said, Matt really was quite a good sport.  I tend to get a bit on the um....competitive side shall we say when it comes to who has more Scirocco stuff!  After that excitement though...we went outside to the "live porn" show.....His Mk1!

For some reason I ask to look inside his hatch first......um.....yup...it's a hatch....

MAN!  How I love the Mk1!!!!  What could make for a more beautiful back end?

As is typical for me, I am unable to keep my opinionated comments to myself and so after I pipe up about the louvers being um "interesting" and uh "unique" Matt replies that it emphasizes the era or something like that.  Hmmm....

Even so.....it is a Mk1...and therefore....perfect by default....

Meandering on over to the engine bay.....

Matt has an ABA in this baby....Very nice engine I think!

And one of the very last items that I still need to get for Shocky...a radiator!  And would you look at the size of this one!!  Hot Damn!

But back to the engine......

....And of course the Mk1's front side aint to bad either!

Hmmm.....turn signals appear to be okay......but wait.....what's that I see?  Is that a chip?  Hmmm......Oh Matt!  I think you need to get your baby some new turn signals.  Now wherever might you find some for sale? 

And...what have we here?  Perhaps I should investigate further?

Hmmm....what have we here?  Why, Matt's Scirocco Porn...left all alone?  Wonder if he would miss it much.....perhaps I could just borrow it for a second?? 

Showing awesome restraint I leave the binder where it is.....and turn my attention to the dash.  Matt was telling me all about what has gone into the dash project, but since my memory is like a sieve, I can't recall what it is he did to get that "brushed aluminum" look.  Sorry Matt!  And...love the dice!

Pretty cool steering wheel too!  and what is that I see....just down and to the right?  Hmmmm.............

OOOH!  Looky there!  Something Shocky needs.....wonder if Matt will mind if I borrow that as well.....and it has all the gauges Shocky was wanting too!  (okay well, not the clock, but the other three)....

Perhaps if I distract Matt I can make off with the entire center console and binder too!  he he he.....  <BAD KIRSTEN!!!!!>

Hmmm.......and then I turn my attention to the door panels.  Just previous to this I discovered that somewhere along the line, Shocky's got a big 'ol tear on the passenger's side....

If I recall correctly, my response to this was:  *&#@*!@&$^*&^!@!!!!

And finally, Matt has um....a work in progress going on here...I forgot to ask how bad the road noise was without a headliner.......hmm.......Shocky needs one of those as well!

It was nice meeting you and your Scirocco Matt!!!  Feel free to come by any time!  (um....of course...eh....provided it is all right with Dan...heh)

Oh, and I still have WAY more porn than you!!   

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